Monday 29 January 2018

Doing Stuff

It's been a week since I posted my first blog and what a week it has been! 

I have started my drawing class, signed myself up for volunteering at the SPCA, been for an after work walk with a colleague and have done a lot of complaining about the heat... though I'm not sure the last point counts as an activity (it has taken up a lot of my time though). 

First of all, my online drawing class. So far I am really loving it - I have only done one class so far, but I have had a couple of evenings sketching/practising what I have learnt. 

The first thing I had to do was draw an eye in time with, and under the instruction of, the tutor (who is a professional artist I might add!). Needless to say, my eye looked terrible compared to his. He was really speedy, very natural with his pencil strokes, and made the whole thing look so easy. I was furiously rubbing out my lines, pausing the video, re-watching parts of the video, tutting, and wondering what I was doing. The idea is that you start off with drawing an eye as task #1.. not an easy task to start with. The reason they do this is so that you make your way through the course, completing each lesson, improving your technique and then the last lesson is to draw the same eye again with the goal being to see how much you have improved. I'm not particularly proud of my eye, but in the interest of full disclosure, I had to share it. 

For a couple of days after this first lesson, I played around with sketching some objects around home and, I have to say, I am VERY happy with my lamp! Check it out!! It has shading and straight lines! It's a bit wonky, but we don't have to look at that.

I will crack on with lesson two this week, so stay tuned for my new frustrating but rewarding past time!

My drawing class ticks off 'Personal Development'. Another thing I have done this week is commit to volunteering at the SPCA on Saturday. It's currently Tuesday, so nothing has happened yet, but I'm excited/anxious/nervous/happy about it. There's something really bloody brilliant about knowing a few hours of your time is going to make a difference and give something back to the community. 

Like most people, I absolutely love animals. We have a cat at home, and I would love to get a dog too, but unfortunately it's not on the agenda just yet. I'm getting my dog fix through friends and family dogs, & I'll soon be getting my fix from the SPCA too! I'M 99% sure I'm going to want most of the dogs in the shelter, and I'll be coming home begging my husband to let me bring one home, but thats a risk I am willing to take. As a newbie volunteer I will most likely be picking up dog poo, hosing down their pens and folding towels, but for now I am going to imagine I'll be there for four hours snuggling with the little rascals. They told me to wear welly boots though & I'm not sure I'll need welly boots for snuggles, and fairly sure you need them to trudge through and clean up shit. 

This brings me to my after work walk with a colleague. Now, this is a colleague I rarely see at work but who has moved to my neighbourhood. I'm very much a solo exerciser. I like to walk on my own, headphones in and zone out. I would usually say 'Yes absolutely let's go walking one day!' and then never do. I'm becoming more and more introverted as I get older. I have my friends - my inner circle and that's all I need on the social front. 

I'm really pleased I went tonight. It was great, walking, chatting away, getting to know her a bit more, and working up a sweat. I really love being outdoors, I love walking, and it was overcast which was the cherry on the top because my GOD it has been unbelievably hot lately. It made me feel really good and for the first time in a while I feel healthy. I feel the steep hills in my legs and the endorphins in my head. 

Why the hell did I stop doing this? 

I feel socialised and exercised and fulfilled. I'm a bit mad that I let myself stop exercising completely. No wonder I'm feeling down and lost, my poor endorphins had given up on me! Walking is so basic, free, and versatile. 

Note to self: If in doubt, walk it out. Shit, that's catchy. 

So there we have it! Not bad for my first week of 'Doing Stuff'. My next challenge is sticking to it. I'm terrible at sticking to things I start. I started this blog to keep me accountable, so let's see if it works! 

Thank you for reading, and until next time... #IfInDoubtWalkItOut

Indie x

Monday 22 January 2018

Finding My 'Thing'

First things first - let's get the introductions out of the way shall we?

I'm Indie. 27, living in New Zealand, married to a Kiwi, living under our own roof. I work in Insurance (which pays the bills but doesn't set my world on fire), and have a small handful of close friends...which is just the way I like it. 

We also have a cat. Like most crazy cat ladies - I'm obsessed with him. 

I've started to feel a little lost in my journey of life. I know I'm not the only twentysomething-nearing thirty feeling this way, so hopefully this blog will help someone down the track. I am also hoping that getting my thoughts and feelings out on virtual paper will help me along the way. 

I know I am in a very fortunate position in life. I have a husband, a cat, a home, a job and food in the cupboards, but I can't help but feel like something is missing

I am stuck on the hamster wheel of life, going round and round in my daily routine of 'get up, go to work, do work, come home, watch the telly, go to bed - repeat'. As I mentioned above, my work doesn't set my world on fire, so it's quite a boring old routine I have found myself in. 

I used to walk a lot - around the neighbourhood, in the bush, go for a little jog (always 'little' because I'm just not built to run) but I have found that I don't have the energy or motivation to exercise any more. I don't have the determination to put my trainers on and just walk. I have never walked because I love to walk. I've walked because I've told myself I must exercise or I will get fatter and fatter and eventually die of heart disease if I didn't. I've also joined multiple gyms over the years but I never went for pleasure. In fact I hated it while I was there but left feeling marginally better about myself and that I just 'earned' the Kit-Kat I was about to eat. 

I went swimming recently to a nearby outdoor lane pool. Being a water baby, I really enjoyed it. For the first three lengths. The truth is, I'm not the most co-ordinated swimmer.. I can't do freestyle with my head underwater so I look like I'm drowning when I swim and gasp for breath. And then it's the faff of swimming costumes, swimming caps, goggles that steam up, having to lug your whole bathroom vanity around with you so you can have a shower afterwards (don't get my started on public bathrooms and shower facilities). It all just seems too much hard work. That said, I do love to swim and be in the water.

You might suggest I try a social sports team. I'm more of a 'let myself down rather than a larger team' kinda girl. I don't like other people to depend on me on that front. I might not fancy it last minute and not want to go. I might be rubbish (I've always been rubbish at team sports), I'll have to socialise with strangers and force conversation. I'm just not that person. 

I've started thinking about hobbies. I don't do anything. I don't have a special skill. I can't draw, paint, knit, sew, ride a horse, DIY, speak any other languages. Maybe I'm feeling lost because I need to up-skill. Have  you ever played The Sims? If you don't up-skill your Sim, they live a miserable, unfulfilled life. I used to make my Sim stand by the oven for days on end improving their cooking skill, or sit at the piano, stand at the easel, play non-stop chess. I don't even make an attempt to improve my own skills. I suppose I can't compare myself to the Sims I used to create. When I got bored of them, I used to build a brick wall around them and wait for them to die. 

So, after chatting/sobbing to my husband about my 'what is my purpose in life?' dilemma last night, we searched local courses that I could try. My first pick was pottery club. I love the idea of getting my hands around the slimy muddy clay while it spins on a wheel, effortlessly making the most hipster shabby-chic collection of mugs. I contacted a couple of local places and it looks like the next beginners course is in April. Damnit. Still - something to look forward to and keep researching in the meantime. 

We also looked up drawing courses. If any of my friends or family read this, they'll probably snort at the idea of me doing a drawing course. I can barely put a stickman together.  But, that's the point. I have searched for complete beginners drawing courses and found some brilliant looking online courses. The type where all you need is a pad of paper and a pencil (and a sharper which I did note they didn't mention), and learn to draw squares, cubes, triangles, pyramids, lines and curves. When you've got basic shapes down - it's onto the next level. 

You better know I signed up to that straight away. I am going to do my first session tonight. I've already thought about selling my pieces on TradeMe and making an absolute fortune and being able to quit my job and travel the world and retire early because of all the money I've made with my craft. 

My husband also suggested learning a new language. While it isn't hands-on-DIY-practical-learning, I haven't ruled it out yet. I love the idea of learning to speak Italian - not only because it sounds beautiful, but also so that I can learn to correctly pronounce Gnocchi (is it Nyocchi or knock-y?) and Prosciutto (prushuto?) correctly...I'll keep you posted on that. 

Other considerations have included a knitting class, a sewing class, volunteering at the local shelter (application pending), volunteering at an old folks home (doing jigsaws with them - having a nice chat and a cup of tea - that sort of thing), learning to take a good photo, and, well - starting this blog. 

I feel quite excited about the opportunities I am opening myself up to by going to courses and trying new things. I really hope I can learn a thing or two - but mainly it's a great way to spice life up a little. 

Stay tuned to see my beautiful day 1 drawing course sketches! 

Until next time...

Indie x 

Doing Stuff

It's been a week since I posted my first blog and what a week it has been!  I have started my drawing class, signed myself up for vol...